Thursday 27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have just finished enjoying a Thanksgiving feast with many of our friends (American and British) here in London. There were about 30 people in total taking part in the celebration. Dean helped organise most of the menu and dividing up of food which was a great blessing to me! Our meal included a BIG turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy and loads of vegetables!! For dessert of course there was pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and apple pie! It was all delicious and the fellowship was just as sweet!
Here are some after pictures...the first one is what was left of the turkey after everyone got to it!

We give thanks for the many blessing God has bestowed on us!


Kelli said...

Aw. Happy Thanksgiving guys! I think Rob tried to Skype you yesterday. Anyway, glad you were able to celebrate Turkey Day with family and friends.

Kelli said...

Okay Kris. Let's get one last shot of your "bump" before the big day! One last blog entry of your pregnant self. We must see the folded clothing, stacks of diapers, crib, etc. so we can start anticipating the arrival of this precious blessing from God!! What a neat Christmas gift. =)