Wednesday 20 May 2009

Exciting Times

Hi everyone! Thought I'd do a quick update on a few exciting things that have taken place at our house.

(terrible picture of me - btw!)

1. I passed my drivers' test! I actually hold a UK Driving's only taken me 12 1/2 year!!!! (Actually I've only been serious about it for about 2 years)
I took the test in our van! I am now a free woman! Praise the Lord!!!

2. Levi is starting solid foods!! Doesn't time fly!! Can you believe that he is 5 months old already! Here's a shot of Levi enjoying his first taste of 'real' food.

Hope all of you are doing well.


The Dryden Family said...

You would say that - but i think you look stunning :)

The Dryden Family said...

That was from me - Dean btw!

Kelli said...

Aw Kris!!!! Go girl. =) I know you've been really wanting your license, so congrats. And you look just great by the way...I agree with Dean.

Levi is just as handsome as ever and oh my how time does fly with our babies. Cereal already, can't believe it.

Kelli said...

No, I didn't sign up for anything. I just read her blog one day and was feeling along the same lines she was (one of THOSE "Mommy Days") and left a link on my blog to her blog. Apparently she gives away free stuff to bloggers that bring in the most new hits to her blog. I had no idea, but what a nice surprise! =)