Thursday 17 December 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Levi!!!

Today Levi turns 1! The house was a buzz of excitement this morning as Levi's older siblings were waking up and pointing out the balloons and presents to Levi! We broke with the usual tradition of opening presents on Mom and Dad's bed - due to the fact that Levi had a rather large pressie, and it would take us a lot longer to get out of bed and get the day started.
Here are a few pictures of the morning.

Levi is thinking things through...but not for long before 'the others' decide to help him.

Brothers and sisters sharing in the birthday excitement...not sure if Aleah is quite a wake yet!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

What a special day and a special child! Thanks for sharing Kris. Wish we could have been there to shower him with hugs and kisses.