Monday 18 January 2010

Christmas Leftovers

Here are a few pictures that I didn't get around to posting yet from Christmas. We've got...

Christmas Pyjamas

The Nativity Set that Abigail made out of toilet paper tubes.

The newest addition to the family - Cousin Amelia Grace Wilder (14/12)

A funny video of our Christmas Eve walk in Richmond Park with Uncle Russell, Auntie Katie, Jonah and Noah


Kelli said...

Too fun! I love Amelia's 'shoes'. Norah has a matching pair just like them, only pink. =)

Way to go Abigail on the nativity set!!!

We still need a video of Sam teaching us all how to make his snowflakes.

Judy said...

Great job Abigail! Can you make one for me? I could use it in my classes at Christmas time
