Friday 26 February 2010

Sam's Birthday

We celebrated Samuel's 9th birthday a few weeks ago (16/02). The kids were off school that week (half-term) and Dean took the day off so we could spend the day together celebrating. We opened presents in our birthday tradition way - everyone piles on to our bed(I wonder what that will be like when they are teenagers?)- video cameras rolling etc. We had to rush a bit due to the fact that Dean had booked the bowling lane for 9:10 am!!! (1 pence a game before 9:30...bargain!) We picked up cousin Jonah and had a great time bowling.
Last time we went bowling Levi was happy to remain in his pushchair - this time is was a completely different story! It may be a while before Levi comes bowling with us was hard work!

We then grabbed some lunch before heading of the cinema! (Levi was booked in with Nanny, thank goodness!) Sam had asked for gifts of money this year. There was a particular toy that he wanted that was quite expensive. He was told by his parents to save his pocket money. Word got round to family members and Samuel soon had (more than) enough money to purchase his 'treasure'! We still felt it was a bit much for a boy to spend on one toy, but after a little investigation I found a shop that was selling it for £30 cheaper than most! So the day after his birthday we took him to the shop to purchase his 'treasure' - he was thrilled that he had money left over!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun out bowling and celebrating. Whoo-hoo!

Okay, so when did Abigail grow up? Robbie and I were watching the videos and looking at the pictures in amazement at how much she's grown into a beautiful, young lady. :)

The videos of Levi are adorable. What a cutie! Can't wait to hug him in person...we're pulling for summer!