Saturday 21 May 2011

Rooftop Garden

We've added to our rooftop garden! The 3 youngest wanted to be in charge of some plants of their own so I found 3 unused plastic bins, we bought some soil, and some flowers and off we went.
I also purchased some herbs, baby corn, peas, sweet pepper, and butternut squash - that had already been started. Aleah and I have also planted seeds for baby carrots, beetroot, radishes, and various types of salad.

We did our planting in the kitchen. It was quite windy outside and our roof space doesn't have rails around it.

Aleah was very helpful sweeping up all the misplaced soil.

Dean's Mum has also picked up a few goodies for us from 'car-boot' sales. We now have-

Strawberries - there are now about a dozen strawberies growing!!

and tomatoes!

This is what our garden looks like now...

...yes, we even have a mini scarecrow! It seems to have actually helped the pigeons and the crows from eating our 'goods'!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh, how cool! I've always thought it would be so romantical to have a rooftop garden!

Don't forget to drill holes in the bottoms of your containers as they will start to mold and collect water in the bottoms.

Love to you all!!!