Wednesday 25 June 2008

Dance Competition

Last night Abigail's Jazz Dance club from school competed in a compition with 8 other primary schools. Each school had to perform 2 dances, one around the theme of 'dances from around the world' and the other was a free style dance.

Abby's group did a dance to the song 'American Boy' and 'Everybody Dance Now!'. They did a great job and danced their hearts out. Unfortunately they didn't win anything but lots of hugs, kisses and admiration from their parents, but they had a great time.

Because of strict laws about gaining parental permission for photos/videos we weren't allowed to take photos/videos of any part of the dances. But here's picture of our girl after the show was over!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Go Abigail! Sounds like you had a fun time dancing. Can't wait to learn the moves to High School Musical!