Tuesday 13 January 2009

Desperate plea from a mother of 4!

Macaroni, Macaroni, Mac n Cheese - 3 times daily pretty please!
Macaroni, Macaroni, Mac n Cheese - we love Mac n Cheese!

That is the lyrics of one of Aleah's favourite songs from a 'Barney' video. It is also my plea as a mother of 4 who just used the last box of the precious stuff the other week! All you American mothers out there...what would you do without Macaroni and Cheese when you need a quick meal for your kids???? I beseech you therefore any of you who feel so inclined to help me out...could you send us some Macaroni and Cheese??!!!

If you need my adress - email me (kdrybonz@aol.com) and I will send it to you.

A thousand thankyou's to anyone who hears my plea and answers it!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Sorry, I just laughed really hard at that! =) I'll pick up some extra at the store tomorrow and ship it soon. Love to you all.