Friday 23 October 2009

Getting ready for a break.

Today is the last day of school before the half-term break. We are going to visit some friends of ours in Nottingham for a few days early next are off school, Dean has a few days off work. S0, I thought it would be a good time to do a little picture diary of some of the things we've been up to over the last 6 weeks.

'Hanging Out' at home...Aleah is starting to share lots of things with Levi.

'Hanging Out' with friends. (Levi and is friend Ivy)

Aleah started doing some 'school work' at home. We are learning numbers, shapes, letters, and Bible verses.

Learning about new responsibilities!

Growing closer together as a family!


Kelli said...

Love the new 'look' of your blog! Very festive. The kids are GROWING and adorable as always. I didn't know there was a realy Nottingham! I thought that was just a fictional town in the movie Robin Hood! =) Cool. Enjoy your weekend and your mac-n-cheese packets!

Kelli said...

You're tagged on my blog. I can't wait to hear what a mother of four has to say. =) I know it's gonna be good coming from you my dear!