Wednesday 2 June 2010

Grrr - Camera/Computer glitches!

Sorry all, I know it has been a LONG time since I updated! I have quite a few things that I want to share it's just that I've run into a few glitches! I'm hoping to have it all sorted out by the end of this week and be able to post some fun things that we've been up to. As you may well know, a family with 4 kids means that there is always something going on!
Here's what you can look forward to -
*Nursery Cafe
*All Saints Dance Festival 2010
*Dryden Family Camping
*Half Term Fun

Hope to share with you all soon.

Love, Kris

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh girl. Don't even go there! Both of my cameras AND scanner are on strike against me. Ug. I'm right there with you sister. What's the dealio with these computers and technology I ask you? We must remain strong. May the force be with us.