Saturday 16 April 2011

I'm back!

I have just been challenged by a friend to keep blogging - it lets our friend and family into our lives. Since we live far from so many of our friends and family I realized that I need to be a bit more intentional about blogging. I am hoping to take up the challenge and be more consistent. Pray for me ...and poke me if I start to slack again.

Here are a few pictures to help sum up the last few months in the Dryden household.

JANUARY - Aleah started Reception (She has to wear a 'proper' school uniform - tie and all)

FEBRUARY - Samuel's 10th Birthday

MARCH - Chickenpox Fun
Aleah and Levi both got chicken pox. Aleah was pretty spotty while Levi had a total of 7 spots! We did lots of indoor activities and were happy to have friends that had already gone through chicken pox and were willing to coome over and play with us!


Faye said...


Judy said...

Oh, happy days! I have been missing your blogs soooo much. Thanks for finding the time.


Kelli said...

So glad to see the updates Kris.

That rainbow craft looked like FUN!

Miss you all.