Monday 18 July 2011

Happy Birthday, Aleah!

Our little girl turned 5 on Friday!
She was SO excited about her had kind of been building up since our little celebration with Grandma on Monday. Aleah woke up around 3am! She was very happy to see balloons, banners and presents waiting. We had to put her back to bed and tell her it wasn't quite time yet...and again at 4am...and again at this time Dean went and slept on the couch and Aleah crawled in bed with me...and eventually fell asleep til 7!

Birthday presents on Mommy and Daddy's bed is our tradition, so the others helped her carry her presents to our bed. (Thankfully the coffee maker had done it's job as well and Dean brought the coffee!)

Nanny and Grandad made a surprise early visit during breakfast! Then it was time to get ready for school...birthday badges and all!

Friday night is youth group night in our house so celebrations were then postponed to Saturday - cake and fun @ Richmond Park with family and church friends.

Saturday was RAINY! Thankfully we were able to take shelter in the basement of the church where we were able to enjoy food and fellowship together. We had a great bunch of people come and fun was had by all.

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