Saturday 12 November 2011

It's me...again!

Ok, I know a lot of people have just about given up on this blog (mother) - I am asking you to bear with me yet again. The longer I leave putting up a post - for whatever reason- the more there seems to post and then I get blogged bogged down. There is so much that I want to share, especially with those living far away from us!
So here's my summary of what's been going on:

July: My mom's visit came to an end along with the school year.
Glory Hunters Children's Holiday Bible Camp with help from some great people from First Baptist Church Mt Washington, Louisville KY!

We signed a contract to rent a 4 bedroom house in Roehampton and started our next adventure in our journey with Christ.

August: My birthday (30...again I think.)
Family camping trip to The Forest of Dean including 15km bike ride and rain of course!
Contagious Youth Bible Conference - awesome and challenging time studying the life of Christ with approx 180 teenagers!
THE BIG MOVE - moved from our 3 bedroom flat at Twynholm Baptist Church (where we've lived since we were married) to a 4 bedroom Council Estate house in Roehampton.

September: School started again. Abby - Year 8, Sam- Year 6 (last year of primary school), Aleah Year 1...and Levi is at the school of life with Mummy!
We celebrated Abigial's 13th birthday - yikes - I am a mother of a teenager!
We handed over the ministries that we had been doing at Twynholm to teams of great people who God will use to further the ministry there. We had a celebration evening with the people of Twynholm (past & present) in which we felt very loved and blessed.

October: Officially began ministry at New Life Church!
Dean celebrated yet another birthday!
We celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary!

I do have pictures to post for some of these events, but they are currently on Dean's laptop and he is busy 'sermonizing' for church tomorrow - so it is a 'no go zone'! Stay tuned and I will have some photos for you within the next few days...I promise!


Judy said...

Yeah - It's a great start. Thanks for sharing. Love you so much, Mom

Kelli said...

YEAH!!! So cool Kris. Love the update and you've been busy designing on your page. Neato. Miss you all terribly.