Sunday 18 May 2008

I've been tagged

My sister-in-law, Kelli, has just tagged me and asked me to write 7 random things about myself. I'm not sure if I can even think of 7 random things, let alone 7 things that other people would even care about knowing about myself...but here goes!

1. I once saved my little brother (Robbie) from starving to death when he got locked in our bathroom. The door got stuck and he was panicking thinking that he was going to be stuck in there for a long time. I passed potato chips under the door to him (too make him feel better). Then told him to step into the tub so that I could kick the door in. The plan worked and he was saved! (That one's for you Kel!!!)

2. Following on from the first item...I have rather large calve muscles. For some reason, God decided to bless me with very muscular legs that are the topic of many conversations. (Why he didn't give them to any one of my 3 brothers will be a question that I ask him in heaven!)

3. Even though I have had a driving license since I was 15 years old. I am now having to take driving lessons in order to pass the UK driving test. (How humiliating!)

4. I have to have ice in my cold drinks in order to feel satisfied. At least 3 cubes, but preferably 4.

5. I think I'm a 'pseudo-vegetarian'. I could go weeks without eating any meat, much to my husbands disgust and disappointment. I don't have anything against it, I just prefer vegetables, and often don't even think about adding meat.

6. I prefer coffee to tea. (Skinny vanilla latte, please!)

7. I am still afraid of the dark...just a little bit!

There you go...some things you maybe didn't know about me, or maybe didn't even want to know but at least I'm playing the game!


Kelli said...

Kris, you know this story is absolute rubbish! Well except for the part about you busting down the door. NO POTATOE CHIPS WERE INVOLVED! Robbie

Kelli said...

I did NOT evoke my husband to type this Kris. I believe every word of your story!=) He didn't even spell potato right. For goodness sakes!