Monday 12 May 2008

So let the sunshine in!!!

Praise the Lord for the beautiful sunshine!!!! We have had absolutely amazing weather for 8 whole days now!!! Can you believe it!? This Florida girl is loving it. Last week I went out to the park with the kids almost everyday...and some days I was out at the park for most of the day. We have some beautiful parks in this city, and I must say that I am thankful for them!
Dean was working on one of his final 3 essays for his Youth Ministry course, and I was doing what I could to keep the peace.

I am so thankful that God blessed us with beautiful weather during this time. Tuesday evening, after piano lessons, I took the kids to the park for a picnic dinner. Wednesday morning I took Aleah and a friend's little boy to the paddling pool/sand box where we met up with another friend and her toddler. We had a lovely time splashing in the water and playing in the sand. Had a picnic lunch and then went home for naps.Aleah showing off her cool shades!

Paddling pool fun!

After naptime, it was time to pick up the older two from school, and because Dean was still working on his was back to the park for us. I packed bathing suits and a change of clothes for all the kids and we went straight to the paddling pool after school. (Forgot the camera at this point!) They all had a great time, and then we walked to McD's for dinner.

Thursday and Friday were both gorgeous and we spent our time after school at the park again. Saturday we did a 4 mile walk down the River Thames for Samaratin's Purse...(to raise money for water wells in Africa) with a group from church. Sunday after church we headed out with friends and family to the park for a fantastic picnic lunch!

When the sun is out in London, the whole city seems to 'cheer up'! People come out of their homes/flats and actually seem to be a whole lot friendlier! I must say that I really do enjoy this kind of English weather!


Kelli said...

Hooray for sunshine!!! I'm so happy for you guys. Too bad Dean was cooped up inside. :( We're counting down the day til you all come. I've been putting together a list of fun things for us to do. Can't wait.

Emma Porter said...

Thank you SOOOOOO much for taking Isaac out that day! He came home so excited and wide eyed. Seems like months ago we had weather warm enough for a paddling pool though. Can't wait to get mobile again so I can join in next time!