Sunday 13 July 2008


We are really getting excited now! The final countdown has begun. It's been 2 years since we have all gone to the US to visit our family there. Everyone is looking forward to it. We leave Saturday afternoon. Aleah, Dean and Samuel have colds so please pray that they recover before Saturday.
What's in store for this week?

Monday: Kris @ work / Abby&Sammy @ School - they get to spend about an hour in the afternoon meeting their teachers for next year./ Dean @work
Nothing in the evening (I think)

Tuesday: Aleah Bethany is 2 years old!
Kris @ work/ Dean @ work/ Abby - Jazz dance performance afterschool / Sam class trip to Bognor Regis (seaside) / Little birthday tea party for Aleah in the evening @ Nanny's house.

Wednesday: Kris @ work / Dean @ work/ Abby&Sam @ school/ Dean out in evening with various meetings, youth group, etc

Thursday: School sports day - all of us at the park all day watching various races etc.

Friday: Abby& Sammy @ School / Playgroup end of year party / Dinner at friends

Hopefully I will be able to do some packing in the evenings. There is also piano lessons to fit in somewhere which usually happen on Tuesdays so we will see when that happens.
I am also struggling to put my hands on my camera at the present time and hopefully I will be able to find that soon!!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh dear girl! You guys are busy, busy and somehow you're going to fit everything will. We'll pray for healthy bodies on that plane and that you get everything packed and ready. Hope you're feeling okay and getting some rest. Love to you all!