Wednesday 8 October 2008

Engedi (from Dean)

Here is a video clip from a Pastor who I admire and look up to a lot. He may not be for everyone, (he was a way of putting things that sometimes ruffles a few feathers!) but he loves Jesus and wants his church to love and follow him too. He speaks about everyday things in everyday language – no holds barred! About real life, how to have peace with God through the death of His Son and living in light of that gospel, being good husbands a wives, raising God honouring families, enjoying God’s good gifts being good husbands (did I say that one already? Oh yea I did but I’m gonna leave it in anyway because he hits on it so much! He’s a man’s man and he rarely minces his words even when it comes to sensitive issues like sex. (Oh yea did I mention that he says most of this stuff when he is preaching to the church he is pastor of) Well here is a clip for the wives that read this blog I hope it blesses you and your marriages. If you want to hear more of him you can download sermons from - fellas let me dare you to listen him on being a dad – it’s dynamite.

This clip is from a series he is preaching on the Song of Solomon! And it might not be very wise to take it too out of context. Enjoy. Dean.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

What a cool video Dean! I have always strived to make our house an Angedi, but this is reassuring and helpful coming from his point of view. We all need that accountability, so thanks for posting it.

Rob and I have been looking at more stuff about Mars Hill lately. Neat.

Kelli :)