Friday 20 March 2009

Friday Fun

Today there was a book signing at a local bookstore by one of our favourite children's authors, Julia Donaldson. Her most well-known book is 'The Gruffalo'. I decided it would be fun to get our copy of the book signed by her. I picked up the oldest 2 from school and off we all (the little ones as well) went to see if we could meet the author. The bookstore had also advertised that 'the Gruffalo' would be visiting the store as well. There was quite a line waiting by the time we arrived. I wasn't sure about waiting in a LONG line with 4 children, and Levi was needing to be fed as well! But, I decided to go for it. Thankfully, I had arranged for Dean to meet us at the shopping center when he finished his afternoon job. Anyway...just shortly after I started feeding Levi his bottle, back-up (Dean) arrived and we managed to keep everyone calm as we waited for an hour and a half. I am pleased that we did wait, because the illustrator, Axel Scheffler, was signing as well. They were both very formidable and Axel drew a little picture in each book. Sam was quite impressed with the speed of his drawing, and that it looked exactly like the characters in the book.
We were able to have a little photo op with 'the Gruffalo'. Aleah wasn't too sure about this character with ...knobbly knees, and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose...As you might be able to see from the photo, she did not want to take her eyes off this guy for one second.


Kelli said...

Oh, so fun! What a fun time you all must have had. =)

Sorry about your memory chip. That can definately put a damper on blog updates. Been there, done that.

Judy said...

What a fun thing! I'm glad you got to do this. The smile on that little Levi's face -how very precious.